Friday Fictioneers – Not Another Bloody Pigeon

copyright -Managua Gunn
copyright -Managua Gunn

It is too damn hot. I swear this ceremonial helmet thing is boiling my brain. I can feel it turning to goo. God, now my nose itches. Would anyone notice if I gave it a quick scratch? Oh, who am I kidding, it’ll end up on YouTube. And the next kid that comes up to me and puts sticky fingers all over my boots will find out if there are bullets in this gun. I cannot fathom why I chose this as a career. If anyone had told me three years ago that for eight hours a day I’d let pigeons poop all over me, I’d have laughed.

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly flash fiction challenge hosted by Rochelle at

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I write because I have to. It is a compulsion. I do it to vent, to laugh and to remember. I blog because it has been so long since I had to write with a pen that my hand would go into cramp if I tried to write a journal.

28 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Not Another Bloody Pigeon”

  1. Pigeon poop and sticky fingers! Sounds like the next trending exclamation we should all use to replace the obscenities that come out far too easy. I loved the humor.

  2. Hahahahaha!
    Wasn’t it Milton who coined the phrase, “They also serve who only stand and wait.” ? Good attitude on this one’s character! It’s MUST be very reflective of what these people are thinking.

  3. During my time in England, I spent some time in London, and went to Trafalgar Square. There, I fed the pigeons — rats with wings, really — and they landed all over me. This is a thing we tourists do, apparently. I’ll have to see if I can find a photo.
    Thanks for the chuckles, darling.

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