5 Sentence Fiction – Frozen


This week’s story is not entirely fictional. It is based on my father-in-law’s childhood experiences in Holland during the war. The ducks would flash freeze and he and his brothers would take them home to feed the family amidst massive food shortages.

5 little sentences.

One mighty punch.

Join 5 sentence fiction.

At lilliemcferrin.com.

Inspire yourself.

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I write because I have to. It is a compulsion. I do it to vent, to laugh and to remember. I blog because it has been so long since I had to write with a pen that my hand would go into cramp if I tried to write a journal.

16 thoughts on “5 Sentence Fiction – Frozen”

  1. I thought at first your protagonist was freeing them! Reading your explanatory note I see that this was based on truth – it must be quite a sight to see the birds flash-frozen and stuck in the ice.

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